3-Needle I-Cord Edging

To join both sides of the pillow you will place the wrong sides touching each other and then (ensuring that the corner stitch is the first stitch worked on both front and back) you will work a 3-needle I-Cord Bind-Off to join the front and back together.

I used a contrast colour for this to create a piping edging look for our cushion cover. Before you join the final side ensure you have woven in all the ends and inserted your cushion insert.

3 Needle I-Cord Bind Off

*K2, sl 1 knitwise, yo, k2tog (one from front and 1 from back needles), pass yo and sl st over, sl all 3 sts back on left needle pwise; rep from * until all sts have been worked. Three I-cord sts remain on needle. K3tog, break yarn and draw yarn through final st. 

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