Balls, Skeins and Winding. What does your yarn look like?
What Does Your Yarn Look Like?
There are many possible ways that you might get your yarn. The most usual ways yarn is sold is in a ball, skein or hank.
A ball, as it sounds, is pre-wound and ready to knit immediately. A skein is usually ready to work from as well but it's not a ball shape. A hank is yarn that is twisted over on itself and will require you to wind it into a ball or cake in order to use it. Hanks are often also called skeins.
How To Wind
If you get your yarn in a hank/skein that needs to be wound up you can either do it manually or with a few pieces of equipment. The equipment used to do this would be a swift (to hold the yarn) and a ball winder that winds it into a cake for you to use. Winding by hand is easiest if you have someone to hold the yarn but you can also use the back of a chair (or chairs) to hold the yarn if you don't have a pair of willing hands available!